Monday’s Table without Roe v. Wade

all the shapes + little helper hands. There is so much I could say about body autonomy right now with this hack of a Supreme Court running bullshit and smaller courts around the country going backwards on trans rights. So much to hold right now and there are days to feel the full weight of this moment in history. But for now, it’s water colors and quiet talks.

Happy Place

A Linnea in their natural habitat ️
A Linnea in their natural habitat ️

We have landed in Northern Michigan. The skies are wider, the nights are darker, the roads are longer, faster, and louder. Yes, louder. The schoolhouse needs a good spring scrubbing and we need to cozy into our corners of Up North Life. But first, the beach. Well, even the beaches this summer, are a little funky due to massive alewife die-offs. I already know there will be a future Peppermint Alley Press entry about this. But not today.

So this is a Linnea in their natural habitat. A little more room for wandering, a little more time for watching the horizon and wondering at the stars. The light softens and my face does too.

Sedgley Porter House, Philadelphia

Now it is the time of night
And we fairies that do run
from the presence of the sun,
Following darkness, dream tonight… -Midsummer-

Wrapped up a most magical show at the edge of the woods. Thank you to everyone who played with us here. 💖