shifts to equinox.
let’s hold the light together.
let’s just hold each other and shine.
Where do you show up? For whom will you be brave? When is it okay to lean in and when is the time to let go?
Careful. Brave.
Stay. Go.
shifts to equinox.
let’s hold the light together.
let’s just hold each other and shine.
Where do you show up? For whom will you be brave? When is it okay to lean in and when is the time to let go?
Careful. Brave.
Stay. Go.
the skies have really been showing off this week and our @upnorthpride sign is pretty perfectly placed
August at the long table, the last day of the month in the waning days of being Up North. Soon it will be time to pack and clean and drag ourselves out of here and back to Philadelphia. As I say, leaving home to return home. Before I think more about that I will sit at the long table, glad to have hands that build such lovely things, glad for this moment and this homespun life.
Last days of the season here and still we keep making with reckless abandon. May it never end.
what if we tell our wing + nest story in dappled layers so our feet become fishes and morning glory tendrils furiously bind our legs together faster than we want to move.
what if our baby birds get to play on the beaches all day, many all days and the sand that stuck to our legs scatters our laughter with wishes of stay.
what if the burning blueberries and calling cranes and flashy beetles
and sparkly tears and almost hagstones
are a conspiracy union to knit our lives together in such ways
that wide spans of water and time and quiet
are just blips of moon shadow sighs,
just lightning flashes in a constellation of together.
I love you Em.