Spring league. I should not have been surprised by the fierce focus, the determination, the strong sense of self.
Category Archives: Learning
blizzard warning coffee cake
Snow emergency / blizzard warning = schools are already closed tomorrow but there's no snow yet, so we are making our overnight snowy day coffee cake. #kidscook
Train Letters
When your Auntie has a complete set of kindergarten classroom materials, you find an alphabet train complete with acorns and little apples on the A, a banana on the B, and so on. I marvel at this age of discovery: no pressure, no bossing, just making the space for these sorts of opportunities.
goggles required
Water colors require goggles because she’s eight.
And because goggles are obviously awesome.
more games, less screens
we have committed to more nights of games and less nights with screens. so far so good I’d say. and this one was about as close as we can get to all ages. #DixIt #wildandfreechildren