Category Archives: CoronaTimes


June is my favorite month. I missed posting in June and the month looked vastly different than other years. Still it was a beautiful month. I got into watercolors, had lots of table time and still more sleep time. I left the house mostly to visit doctors and trees... I'm still recovering from Covid-19. It's slow and lonely, frustrating and filling. We finished a huge virtual theater project that I'm very proud of. Pre-Linnea would have been at many protests this month. They would have shouted more. Current-me is listening and trying to maintain calm though I weep and grieve around the violence of white supremacy and all our brokenness. I also see hope and potential to rebuild. I always do.
June is my favorite month. I missed posting in June and the month looked vastly different than other years. Still it was a beautiful month. I got into watercolors, had lots of table time and still more sleep time. I left the house mostly to visit doctors and trees… I’m still recovering from Covid-19. It’s slow and lonely, frustrating and filling. We finished a huge virtual theater project that I’m very proud of. Pre-Linnea would have been at many protests this month. They would have shouted more. Current-me is listening and trying to maintain calm though I weep and grieve around the violence of white supremacy and all our brokenness. I also see hope and potential to rebuild. I always do.

Corona Times

On a fun note related to "you can't take anybody with you into the hospital right now." The Drs. and nurses keep referencing my invisible partner with she/her pronouns. My take away is that I somehow read gay even in a hospital gown. Happy #lesbianvisibilityday to all the loves out there.
On a fun note related to “you can’t take anybody with you into the hospital right now.” The Drs. and nurses keep referencing my invisible partner with she/her pronouns. Assumptions are funny. Hospitals are not. Stay home.

Thank You Philly

March 21. I've left the house twice since then. Once I tried walking around the block and once to finally get a Covid-19 test. I don't have much to say about this time just yet. But I took this picture out the window. After the test, I asked to be driven around the long way home, just to get to see a little more.
March 21. I’ve left the house twice since then. Once I tried walking around the block and once to finally get a Covid-19 test. I don’t have much to say about this time just yet. But I took this picture out the window. After the test, I asked to be driven around the long way home, just to get to see a little more.